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  Your bridge to self-discovery and the silence within  
Dalian Method™ FAQ's 

The Self-Healing Dalian Method is a straight forward, no nonsense approach to the self-realization process. It works with all aspects; the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, our energy system, the unconscious, and our consciousness AT THE SAME TIME. It is a unique, guided process that utilizes precise breathing through different parts of the body and out loud verbal expression of thoughts and emotions as they surface in each given moment, as well as body movement. 

What makes the Dalian Method (DM) stand out among other modalities is that it bypasses the mind, where all our suffering and pain was created. Transformation happens spontaneously as a result of allowing ourselves to express repressed thoughts and pent up emotions without judgement, thus bringing layers of the unconscious to light, seeing our lessons and the root causes of our issues or behavioural patterns.


Consciousness replaces the exposed unconsciousness.

Like the bottom of an iceberg is hidden unless we look under the surface, so too we need to look 'beneath the mind' into our whole body to resolve all our challenges and create permanent transformation. 

As we continue to work with this method our lives begins to change! Our being comes closer and closer to alignment with our original self or divine centre. Mada Eliza Dalian, the creator of the Dalian Method, calls this healing into consciousness.


​​Who created the Dalian Method™?


The Dalian Method (DM) was created by Mada Eliza Dalian, a rare mystic. Mada was born with the unique gift of hearing the unexpressed thoughts and beliefs in people's energy. She realized that many people were not aware of having these thoughts (the thoughts/beliefs are unconscious). She also discovered that these thoughts and beliefs are a major hidden component in our struggle and suffering. 


Mada spent years refining the method in her private practice so that people could safely transform unconscious self-limiting thoughts and beliefs permanently. In 2014 she took this further by creating Healing the Body & Awakening Consciousness with the Dalian Method™ so that we can use this method on our own. Mada's intention in creating the self-healing method is to provide people, who are ready, to become more self-reliant in their healing and awakening work. And it's incredibly empowering to take our transformation into our own hands and this work on our own! 


What do you mean by unconscious self-limiting beliefs?


When we have an experience that triggers fear or pain, we may shut down emotionally to get through it. That shutting down, which seems to protect us at the time, represses the painful emotions and thoughts and so they stay with us. Anything we have repressed inside causes us on-going problems. It's as if we are carrying an invisible weight inside of us. Additionally, it's not just thoughts and emotions, but conclusions we make from challenging life experiences (Example: "Life is hard" "I'm not good enough" "It's not safe to say how I feel" etc).  


The conclusions are our self-limiting beliefs and we don’t often see them because they run in the background (our unconscious). We may only see or feel the effects of these beliefs in the form of struggling with certain emotions, symptoms, negative thought patterns,  behaviour patterns, and challenging life events.


It's also common for people to think something in their life (job, relationship, etc.) is causing their stress and unhappiness when in fact these situations may only be a symptom of a deeper issue that is asking to be resolved. The challenging life events are opportunities for greater healing & self-awareness.


"Utilizing the Self-Healing Dalian Method and working directly with Mada is the most incredible gift in my life. Going through the facilitator training as well as joining regular online courses and in person intensives with Mada has been, and continues to be, treasured times of deep transformation and authentic community. There is nothing more effective than working directly with a wise, compassionate mystic who sees through the tricks of our ego! And learning from others as we face our patterns and wounds we discover that we are not alone in our life challenges." 


"I am passionate about sharing the Dalian Method and other valuable tools with humanity. Whether you would like support when first learning DM via a private session or joining a workshop/online course/retreat, or if you feel ready to jump in on your own, I welcome you to join me on this exciting journey of self-discovery!"  - Neerava K â€‹


Quote from Mada Eliza Dalian - creator of the Dalian Method: 


“Many people look for healing from something or they want to “get rid” of something that feels uncomfortable. However, they don’t understand what healing truly means. Healing is not about ‘fixing’ or suppressing symptoms of physical ailments. It is not about replacing negative beliefs with positive ones. Healing is about becoming conscious of the causes of pain and suffering, learning the needed life-lessons, and transforming the ego-mind into self-empowered consciousness. Health is a state of inner balance. It is a state of peace from pain, suffering, and inner turmoil. Healing is a state of dis-identification from the mind and emotions. It is a state of awareness of how the beliefs, desires, and conditionings that are part of the ego-mind cause suffering. To heal, means to let go of attachments to ideas, things, and people. To heal means to transcend the fear of death and survival and find the eternal presence of the Inner Being.” - Mada Dalian


Neerava S. Kroeger

West Vancouver, Canada
Estoril, Portugal

“…we can only LIVE LIFE FULLY



  and understanding that the

     JOURNEY is the GOAL.”


- Mada Eliza Dalian

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